Waiver Must Read


I agree to this claim release, liability waiver, and risk assumption (“Waiver and Release”). I waive any and all claims I may have now or in the future, release Roatan Ultimate Tours, agents, representatives, employees, or tour guides [hereafter referred to as “Staff”] from all liability, and agree not to sue Roatan Ultimate Tours, agents, representatives, employees, or tour guides [hereafter referred to as “Staff”] for any personal injury, death, property damage, or loss sustained by me as a result of my participation in a tour offered including, but not limited to, Roatan Ultimate Tours, its Staff’s, tour partners’, or other participants’ negligence, or death or injury as a result of war, civil upheaval, or pandemic. I further accept that if I breach this agreement by attempting to sue any of the people identified below, I will be held liable for any attorney’s fees and costs incurred by that person in defending such action.
I am aware that, in addition to the ordinary dangers and risks inherent in the tour, there are some additional dangers and risks, such as physical exertion for which I may be unprepared and weather extremes vulnerable to abrupt and unexpected change. I accept all of the inherent hazards of the planned tour, including the danger of personal injury, death, or property damage or loss. I recognize that the enjoyment and excitement of the proposed tour are derived in part from the inherent risks incurred by travel and activity beyond the accepted safety of life at home or work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and excitement, which is why I am participating. I agree that if I sustain an accident or illness, Roatan Ultimate Tours or its staff can, at my expense, provide whatever medical treatment and emergency evacuation service deemed necessary for my health and safety. Further, I agree and comply with any additional directions given by my tour guide or any other Staff at all times during the tour, and I understand that failure to do so may result in harm, death, or permanent disability. I realize that noncompliance may result in my expulsion from the tour.
In completing this Waiver and Release, I am not relying on any oral, written, or visual representations or statements made by Roatan Ultimate Tours or its Staff, or any other incentive or compulsion to go on the tour. I affirm that, of my own free will, I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of this walking/swimming tour and Wavier and Release and accept that this Wavier and Release will be binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, and successors.
As a tour participant, I accept full responsibility for my behavior, well-being, and health throughout the tour, which may include a variety of activities, unfamiliar locations, and modes of transportation, including but not limited to: swimming, snorkeling, Diving, or walking for long period time than I am accustomed to. I accept these risks consciously and willingly. I agree to complete, and whole responsibility for my behavior, well-being, and health throughout the tour. I agree not to hold Roatan Ultimate Tours, its employees, or the Roatan Ultimate Tours Conservancy or facility accountable in any manner if I am injured.
By purchasing any tour(s), I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agree to the Terms & Conditions, Waiver, and Release of Liability.


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